
Contact the Communications team

Our Communications team is the main point of contact for media organisations wishing to find out more about how the work of the University is making lives better across the globe.

The team issues news releases on ground-breaking research, major projects, partnership initiatives and topical issues using a range of media, social media and multi-media channels.

As well as managing all media enquiries on behalf of the University we can put you in touch with experts for comments, organise interviews, and supply images, audio and video clips.

If you are a journalist and would like to arrange a visit to the University our team will be happy to arrange this. We also arrange and oversee filming for news organisations on campus.

We can also supply high quality audio files to news organisations who need quick comment from academic experts on current news stories.

We also manage key communications to staff and current students across the University and act as the central point of contact to support all engagement with politicians, policymakers and interaction with the policy process.

Get in touch

To get in touch with the Communications team email communications@stir.ac.uk or call + 44 (0) 1786 466687.

In the event of an urgent media enquiry or emergency outside office hours please call +44 (0) 1786 473171 and ask to be put in touch with a Duty Communications Officer.

Meet the team

Emma Darling
Emma Darling

Head of Communications

Wendy Bailey
Wendy Bailey

Internal Communications Officer

Matthew Francis
Matthew Francis

Public Affairs Manager

Greg Christison
Greg Christison

Communications Manager

Gillian Drummond
Gillian Drummond

Communications Officer

Joanna Smith
Joanna Smith

Student Communications Officer

Peter Swindon
Peter Swindon

Communications Officer