
Building confidence for students and graduates

Having self-belief and confidence in your own abilities is valuable when you’re competing for jobs. Employers are looking to see whether you can be an asset to their company. If you show confidence in what you’ve achieved so far and what you can bring to the company, you’re more likely to succeed in securing your dream job.

We can help you grow in confidence through a variety of resources, providing you with the ability to build your employability skills for life.

Environmental Management student

What is confidence?

Confidence is not arrogance - it’s about knowing what you want, where you want to go and what’s important to you. It’s not about what’s important to someone else. It’s about being in control, calm and focused. It shows in a positive mind-set, self-awareness and an eagerness to develop your skills. It’s about having a sense of purpose to achieve success, a flexible approach to see the bigger picture and the ability to make important decisions. Confidence lets you manage stressful situations, have energy at work and a willingness to take risks. Confidence can help you to be the difference.

How to become confident?

Confidence is a skill you can develop, but you need to work at it, just like any other skill. Our confidence resources can help you achieve greater confidence, as well as the useful resources we’ve compiled below.

Careers on Canvas Confidence Resources

Careers on Canvas has a wealth of useful tips and resources on Confidence to support you in developing your confidence.  Packed with lots of practical examples and exercises that you can do to develop yourself to become more confident. Explaining the general principles that underpin developing confidence as well as practical techniques, this is an awesome resource that you can dip into and select what areas you wish to focus on.

Build your confidence

The  has an excellent set of resources to help you assess how confident you are, and how you can build on your confidence. 

Graduates can access the confidence pages at

TED Talk on self confidence

Watch this excellent TED talk by Amy Cuddy on showing self-confidence using your body language:

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